An awareness program on Police Akka Scheme was conducted at PET Engineering College which aimed to protect college students women related harassment issues. The police officials from Vallioor police station spoke to the female students building a sense of trust to solve their issues. The women police official assured to the students that she could be considered as a protective older sister. The police official assigned to the Institution asserted that she could be approached at any time and more over the identity of the victim would not be revealed at any cost and would be kept confidential. This Police Akka Scheme is a big step towards making educational spaces safer for everyone.
This scheme indeed gives students a direct line to law enforcement. The police official also reiterated that this police akka creates a trust based friendliness with the college girl students and saves them from falling prey to cyber crimes or any other offences. The police official gave her personal contact number of the students insisting them to contact at any time.