The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PET Engineering College conducted a webinar on "Role of Electrical Engineer in industrial automation" dated 24th July 2020. The webinar was presented by Dr. S. Manikandan, Professor & Head, department of Bio - Medical Engineering, P. S. R. Engineering College . Nearly 40 students from department of Electrical and Electronics and department of Electronics and Communication Engineering joined the webinar. Also 5 students from Rohini Engineering College attended the workshop.
Dr. J. Mohamed Jahabar, Dean , Dr. K. Madhan Kumar, Principal and faculty members from departments of EEE and ECE were participated in the meeting. The session started at 11 am. and ended at 12.00 noon. Dr. S. Manikandan explained about how industries are getting automated with network of sensors. He also explained the working of PLC in the Manufacturing & processing control. Students understood the knowledge of ladder diagram.