A webinar on 'Cement Manufacturing and properties of cement' was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with FACEAT & P student chapter. Er. K. Jeya Balamurugan, State Technical Services Head, Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited was the resource person. Mr. Mohammed Buhari, of final year Civil Engineering, delivered the welcome address. Mr. Mohamed Ihinulla introduced the chief guest. The Principal, Dr. K. Madhan Kumar presided over the function and honored the chief guest by presenting a memento. The resource person in his address, enumerated on the different properties of cement and also explained in detail the various types of cement. He gave a detailed power point presentation on 'Cement Manufacturing and properties of cement'. Analysis and strengthening of concrete was done in the concrete lab using Dalmia Cement in the presence of the resource person. He emphasized that the primary role of a civil engineer is to build economic, durable concrete structures. Mr. Akram Badhusha, third year civil engineering proposed the vote of thanks. The arrangements for the program was done by Head of the Department Mr. M. Petchikkan, Er. M. K. Basheer Ahamed, and Assistant Professor Dr. G. Sokkanathan. |