Five days' Workshop Micro Analysis of Financial Statements was organized by the Department of Management Studies, PET Engineering College, Vallioor from 24.08.2015 to 28.08.2015 . Mr. Chandrasekar S, Managing Director, empoVer HR solutions, Bangalore was the resource person for this workshop students of second year MBA had attended the workshop. The inauguration function held on 24.08.2015 at 10.00 am started with Quirath rendered by Ms. Anna Suganya A, Second year student of MBA, followed by Tamil Thaai Valtthu. Ms. R. Jenifer, Second year student of MBA Department welcomed the dignitaries and the participants. Dr. Angel Raphella, Professor & Head of the Department introduced the resource person. Dr.N.Mohammed Sheriff, Principal, PET Engineering College, delivered the inaugural address and handed over the session to the resource person. The resource person started the session by explaining the short tutorial on financial statements. He explained in detail about the functions, purpose of using micro analysis. In the afternoon session the resource person explained the three of the most important techniques include horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratio analysis. On the second day the resource person explained the balance sheets various parameters and in the afternoon hands on session was conducted. The third day the resource person started the session by explaining the income statements the afternoon he explained the uses of income statements. The fourth day the resource person explained the cash flow statements in the afternoon hands on session was conducted. The fifth day the resource person explained the shareholders. The students enthusiastically participated in the hands on session. Test session was conducted, to know the level of understanding in this 5 days certificate program The valedictory function was held on 28.08.2015. Our honorable Principal Dr. N. Mohammed Sheriff, Dr. Angel Raphella, Professor & Head of the Department and Assistant Professors, MBA Department were presided the Valedictory function. Some of the participants expressed their experiences in the workshop. The resource person, the principal and the HOD distributed the certificates to the participants. The function ended with vote of thanks by Usha M, Second year student of MBA Department who expressed his gratitude towards all the dignitaries, participants which contributed towards the success of the event. This certificate program is to create new ideas in the financial statements. In Regulation 2017 curriculum students are undergoing a course "BA5203 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT", outcome is process the techniques of managing finance in an organization .This workshop explain the concept which is beyond the syllabus to enhance the simulation and implementation skill in various techniques in organization. The Workshop was a great success as the students enjoyed the entire session, and more importantly, they mastered the art of analyzing any company’s Balance Sheet, within 30 seconds. Objective of the Course
- Understand the operational nuances of a Finance Manager
- Comprehend the technique of making decisions related to finance function
Program Outcome
- Possess the techniques of managing finance in an organization