A webinar on "Analysis and design of CMOS amplifiers" was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Research & Development Cell, PET Engineering College, Vallioor on 3rd July 2020 at 11.00 am. Webinar was presented by the Resource Person Dr. S. Kumaravel, M.E, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics, VIT University.
This webinar was co-ordinated by Mrs. X. M. Binisha, AP/ECE & Mrs. H. Riyas Fathima, AP/ECE. Dr. J. Mohamed Jahabar, Dean & Dr. K. Madhan Kumar, Principal, PETEC participated in the webinar. Mrs. C. Rekha, HOD of ECE Department, delivered the welcome address and introduced the Chief Guest Dr. S. Kumaravel, and handed over the session to the resource person. There were 6 PG Scholars from M.E. Communication Systems, 24 UG students from II year, III year & IV year ECE and all faculty members of ECE department who participated in the program.
The resource person explained the basics of CMOS Amplifiers, different configurations in MOSFET, and also summarized about cascode amplifier and the importance of realization using differential amplifier. He also explained about the CMOS technology and various amplifier categories. He explained how those circuit could be applied for biomedical purpose. Finally, the session was concluded after queries session and Mrs. C. Rekha concluded the session and expressed her gratitude toward the resource person.
This webinar was conducted using Google meet and e-certificates were issued to all the participants.