Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

PET Engineering College

Department Activities

Chip Level Testing and Debugging for Smart Phone Devices

Event Report

Chip Level Testing& Debugging for Smartphone Devices. The program started with Inaugural function.Ms.M. Muthu Lakshmi, II year ECE delivered welcome address.It was truly a pleasure to have Mr. I. Sajith, Entrepreneur, ITS Mobiles (Alumni, Batch 2015-2019)who tirelessly guided the students throughout the day. Mrs. C. Rekha, HOD/Department of ECE presided over the program.

The Resource Person Mr.I.Sajithgave a key note address and then started the session, in which he explained the overview of Smart Phone Servicing using power point presentation. He explained the basics of Mobile communication and Electronics, Assembling & disassembling of different types of mobile phones. He taught the students about the basic parts of mobile phones (mic, speaker, vibrator, LCD, antenna, etc.) in the technical sessions. The students also showed equal enthusiasm towards their work and they seemed to be much interested in learning the practical concepts.

The resource Person Mr. I. Sajith presented a gift of appreciation to Ms. M. Muthu Lakshmi, II year ECE for her involvement and response during the session. During Valedictory Certificates were distributed to all the student participants. They also showed keen interest in the workshop and the programme ended with vote of thanks, delivered by Mr. A. Vanasakthi, II year ECE. 48 students of second year ECE actively participated in this workshop.