Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PET Engineering College

Department Activities

Emerging Technologies and Career Opportunities

Event Report

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a webinar on 27th October. The Webinar on Emerging technologies and career opportunities was presented by the Resource person Mr. Murari Raja Tamilmani, Senior Consultant, Deloitte, USA. Dr. S. Babu Rengarajan Head of the Department of Computer Science gave an orientation about the program and encouraged the students to be inquisitive and make the best use of the session to the resource person. Sivamalar II/CSE welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person Mr. Murari Raja Tamilmani.

The resource person explained the concept of emerging technologies and career opportunities. It further aimed to equip students with the ability to understand and subsequently create strategic and targeted campaigns using technologies.190 students actively participated from II,III and IV Year.

Mrs. J. Umadevi, AP/CSE proposed the Vote of thanks. Mrs. S. Swathiga, AP/CSE and Mrs. Umadevi, AP/CSE carried out necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of the program.