Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

PET Engineering College

Department Activities

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Event Report

One Day workshop on Artificial Intelligence& Machine Learning was organized by the department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering on 31st Oct 2023 in collaboration with Pantech e Learning for EEE students. Mr. M. Shaik Barveesh Maheen of final year welcomed the gathering. The Principal Dr. K. Madhan Kumar presided over the program and in his presidential address he highlighted on the recent impacts of Artificial Intelligence in the modern digital technology. The speaker Mr. Philip Bedit, Pantech e Learning continued the session for the day by delivering the ideas of AI from basic to design technology of software with apt examples and videos.

The entire workshop was very useful to learn about Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning & Deep Learning. This One Day workshop had been Co-ordinated by Mr. P. Eugine Paul AP/EEE and the program convener was Mrs. R. KalaiSelvi, HOD/EEE.