Objective of the Program
- To bridge the gap between the transition from school to college life.
- To equip the students to adapt to the new college environment.
A four day motivational program "Power of Success" was organized by the department of first year and placement and training cell from 05/12/2022 to 08/12/2022. Mr. T. Ragunath, Psychologist, Director, Relax Academy was the resource person. The Principal Dr. K. Madhan Kumar presided over the session. Mrs. Bagavathi Lakshmi Ammal HOD /English delivered the welcome address and introduced the guest of honour.
The guest of honour, highlighted on various facets of life like family, career, ethics, love for nature, nation healthy life style, positive thinking, moral values and also primarily the right attitude towards life to accomplish success.
The four day program comprised of various sessions, where each session focused on individual topics. The sessions were interspersed with video presentations and real time examples which enraptured the attention of the students. The resource person insisted that the students must make use of the wonderful opportunity around them. The burning desire of success and achievement should be within them. The desire to achieve great things would promote success. They should prove themselves to be worthy citizens in their educational social and moral life He enlightened the students on the greatness of Indian culture, tradition and heritage. He also emphasized that every individual should be proud to be an Indian. Nearly 168 students participated in this motivational program. The Program was co-ordinated by the placement officer Mr. S. Mohamed Peer Matharsha.
Program Outcome
- The motivation program boosted the self-confidence of the students.
- The students were able to set their goals in life.