Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PET Engineering College

Department Activities

Arduino for Embedded System Design

Event Report

Objective of the Course

  • To learn the basic concepts and Features of the internet of Things
  • To build projects utilizing the arduino platform
  • To Discover Fundamental concepts of sensor reading and wireless interface.

A five days hands-on Workshop on “Arduino for Embedded System Design”was conducted by AGAPE Techno Solution from 20-02-23 to 24-02-2023 which was organized by the department of CSE and EEE. Totally 62 students from CSE department, 7 students from ME-CSE and 32 students from EEE department participated in the workshop. Inaugural ceremony of the workshop was conducted on 20-02-2023 at seminar hall along with faculty members of CSE and EEE. Mrs. M. Sheik Barneesh Maheem of III EEE welcome the gathering. Mrs. R. Kalaiselvi, HOD/EEE & Mrs. B. Shanmuga Sundari, ASP/CSE presided over the function.

The resource person Mrs. Greeshma Rajan of AGAPE Techno Solution presented the session. This workshop covered topics like IOT introduction Arduino platform, reading from sensor, Arduino programming & interface of sensors. Hands-on practice was given to the students for the whole session in parallel with set of technicians. The necessary arrangements were made by Mr. A. Subanth Willaiams, AP/EEE, Mr. P. Eugine Paul, AP/EEE and Mrs. E. Eveltn Tabitha, AP/CSE. At the end of the hands on session of 24.2.23, Mr. G. Sheik Rizwan from Third CSE delivered the vote of Thanks.

Outcome of the Course

  • Students gained knowledge about IOT
  • Students learned about basic usage of the arduino environment for creating own embedded projects at low cost
  • Students gained knowledge about the fundamental concepts of sensor reading and wireless interface.