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PET Engineering College

Department Activities

LXXVII Independence Day

Event Report

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated at PET Engineering College on August 15, 2023. This year, the theme of Independence Day is Nation first, Always First. Mr. A. Shahul Hameed, Managing Trustee of the College hoisted the national flag and addressed the gathering. The Principal, Dr. K. Madhan Kumar. administered the pledge. The management, Principal, Head of the departments, faculty members and students participated in the Independence Day celebration.

On the occasion of Independence Day, the NSS wing of the college conducted the essay and slogan writing and poster design competition on the theme 'Nation Building'. On this 77th Independence Day, in order to make the country's dream come true, the Prime Minister's words in his Independence Day speech can be borne in mind by everyone, “Demography, Democracy and diversity”.

NSS Programme Officer Mr. Rajesh G.P. and Director of Physical Education Savari Simon Chinnappa had made arrangements for the event.